In January, 1945, five U.S. Navy Bombers vanished over the Bermuda Triangle. At 3:45 PM , the flight leader Lieutenant Charles C. Taylor, radioed the control tower.
"Calling tower. This is an emergency . We seem to be off course. We can not see land ... repeat ... we can not see land ."
"What is your position ?," the tower radioed back.
"We're not sure of our position. We can not be sure just where we are. We seem to be lost."
"Assume bearing due west."
"We don't know which way is west. Everything is wrong... strange. We can't be sure just where we are. We are not sure of any direction. Even the ocean doesn't look as it should."
Lieutenant Robert Cox, senior flight instructer at Fort Lauderdale, had been preparing to land, when he over heard the messages and he thought he knew where Flight 19 was. He radioed,"Flight 19 what is your alttitude? I'll fly south to meet you."
Taylor should have welcomed any assistance, but for a few minutes he was silent before he cried, "Don't come after me! They look like ...." After that there was silence.
The time was 4:30 p.m. As the last message was being received, a huge Martin Mariner sea plane was sent on a rescue mission heard the bombers last estimated position. The mariner plane sent one message and then followed the bombers' into the oblivian. Within a few hours six Navel Aircrafts had vanished.
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